References: Pelvic floor prolapse

"More than 50% of women age 50 and older suffer from one or more problems caused by pelvic floor prolapse"

"The cost of surgical management $10 billion dollars per annum."

Maher 2007 suggested 50% of parous women and $1 billion dollars was suggested in 1997.

The above figures sound very high, please could you let us know the references to back this up?


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Jan 19, 2011
pelvic organ prolapse
by: Anonymous

"Saving the Whole Woman" by Christine Kent, RN, explains how and why posture is the source of prolapse problems, and how to improve/correct the situation through exercise and lifestyle.

Pete Egoscue has also noted that posture problems - depending on which misalignment you have - can lead to either preterm labor/delivery OR prolonged labor/C-section. Posture plays a huge role, and squatting is how we normalize posture for elimination and childbirth, and other posture exercises can save us a world of pain, discomfort and embarrassment.

Nov 24, 2010
Pelvic floor prolapse - incidence
by: Anonymous

A reference for the percentage of women aged 50 and above being affected by pelvic floor prolapse:

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